St Xavier's PU College, Kalaburagi - 585308

Patron of the College

St Francis Xavier

( 07-04-1506 to 03-12-1552 )

St Francis Xavier the patron of the college was born on the 7 of April, 1506 in Spain. Xavier met Ignatius of Loyola while they both were students at the University of Paris. While at the time, Xavier seemed destined for academic success in the line of his noble family, Ignatius repeatedly turned his sights to life of service by constantly asking him, "Francis, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul?"He became companion and associate of Ignatius in founding the Society of Jesus. Xavier was chosen as the Apostolic Nuncio and ambassador of King John III of Portugal to serve people of Asia.

Xavier came to India in 1542. He travelled widely from India to Japan preaching the truths of life. He worked among the poor and downtrodden toiling for their empowerment. Xavier while longing to enter China was taken ill with fever on the island of Sancian and died on 3 December 1552. The body of Xavier is now placed in a silver casket at the Basilica of Bom Jesu in Goa.It is this example of his life, heroic and noble, not seeking the glory of this world but genuinely concerned about the good of others, that is proposed to the students for emulation here.